• Fundraising Goal for Children’s Miracle Network: $500 100% 100%


Days Left to Miss DC!








As you already know, I’m very involved with the Miss America Organization but you probably didn’t know that one of the exciting opportunities this organization offers is the chance to raise funds for local children’s hospitals through Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

I invite you to join me in touching the lives of sick and injured children today, by clicking the “Donate Now” button to make a secure donation. You can also see the impact of your donation by clicking here to view some of the incredible miracle stories from kids we’ve helped. These are just a few stories out of millions of kids treated at Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals each year.

Follow my Miss District of Columbia journey below, and help me reach my $2500 fundraising goal for CMN by donating. Thank you so much for your support and for helping me make miracles happen!

Lily Donaldson

Trying on an Army Bomb Suit (EOD)

Trying on an Army Bomb Suit (EOD)

bring your sister to work day…i don’t know how she does anything in this, it weighs 80 pounds and feels like having a bucket over your head

A Brunette Introduction

A Brunette Introduction

I accidentally went blonde two years ago after a hair dye accident. This week I’m finally back to brunette.