Miss America Serves Day

Happy Miss America Serves Day! Unfortunately, I can’t be with my Miss DC sisters because I’m at NCA College Cheerleading Nationals, but good luck to them as they perform at Children’s National, Fisher House, and the Washington DC VA Medical Center.  I’m also fundraising today at https://www.helpmakemiracles.org/index.cfm… so make a donation to support Children’s Miracle Network by clicking the link!

I passed my PhD Candidacy Exam!

I passed my PhD Candidacy Exam!

Some news from the lab – I passed my PhD candidacy exam last week! This is the last step to complete before the dissertation phase of the degree.

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Love Letters Project 2024

Love Letters Project 2024

1,000 of these ‘Love Letters’ coded by students during STEAM workshops over the past year went to seniors in Rensselaer County, New York yesterday!

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