Visiting the White House
APRIL, 2018
Miss DC
The Miss DC finalists had an amazing opportunity to take a tour of the White House today. Our self-guided tour started at the East Wing and ended at the very front of the White House where we snapped some fun pics. It was super fun to hang out with my Miss DC sisters and experience a huge part of our nation’s history. If you’re visiting DC and want to tour the White House, remember to contact your state’s Congressman at least a month in advance to reserve a spot!

Miss DC Finalists after their White House tour.
The White House. Washington, DC.

A Brunette Introduction
I accidentally went blonde two years ago after a hair dye accident. This week I’m finally back to brunette.
A Blonde Farewell
Some last photoshoots with the blonde hair before something new…
I helped students talk to Astronauts on the ISS
Last week, Brighton Elementary School students asked questions to astronauts living on the International Space Station.