Man of the District 2018


MAY, 2018

Miss DC 2018

Celebrating Man of the District at Penn Social with my Miss DC sisters and my MOTD nominee Roel Ayala.

Marilyn Monroe Potato Sack Photoshoot with Andy Jones

Marilyn Monroe Potato Sack Photoshoot with Andy Jones

“In 1951, a journalist criticized Marilyn Monroe for a ‘provocative’ dress she wore, calling her “cheap and vulgar* and saying that she’d have looked better wearing a potato sack. So, she did a photoshoot wearing a potato sack as a response.”

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Visiting the U.S. Department of Education

Visiting the U.S. Department of Education

One of the Art Technically Science Bears and I got to stop by the U.S. Department of Education to catch up with our friend Andy and talk about some fun things happening in STEM and arts education.

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