Man of the District 2018


MAY, 2018

Miss DC 2018

Celebrating Man of the District at Penn Social with my Miss DC sisters and my MOTD nominee Roel Ayala.

P5.js Modules

P5.js Modules

P5.js is a JavaScript client-side library for creating graphic and interactive experiences. Lily was the Teaching Assistant to Professor Arthur Shapiro for the pilot of a lower-level Computer Science course using it (CSC 121 “Creative Coding”) at American University in Fall 2018. The course has since been integrated into the Computer Science department’s regular course offerings and approved to satisfy a General Education requirement for the university (Quantitative Literacy I).

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Complex Problems Program Leader

Complex Problems Program Leader

Lily was the program leader of an American University first-year “Complex Problems” seminar called “Reality: Distorted, Augmented, or Otherwise.”

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