Interview with AWOL Magazine’s Not Your Average Podcast



Miss DC 2019
Art, Technically

Want to hear me talk to AWOL Magazine about my AU Meme Stickers campaign, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, the Miss America program, STEAM and CS at AU, and more?

Listen to the first episode of Not Your Average Podcast with Zach Vallese.
The podcast is also available on Spotify.

For those of you at AU planning your schedule next semester, I recommend listening at 26:30 about CSC 121: Creative Coding, and how great that class is for non-CS majors interested in learning about coding!

Love Letters Project 2024

Love Letters Project 2024

1,000 of these ‘Love Letters’ coded by students during STEAM workshops over the past year went to seniors in Rensselaer County, New York yesterday!

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