5 Cool Gadgets Under $10

This one is a lot like a BuzzFeed listicle, or even a Mashable reel. Lewis Hilsenteger (the mind behind Unbox Therapy) is certainly a personality, and his showmanship and humor make his videos particularly easy to binge watch, especially his items under $x series of which this video is part of. However, to my surprise, he finished going through the five items after five minutes, and then proclaimed a sponsorship for the video and went through comments from one of his previous videos. I found it kind of strange, but I appreciate that the company that sponsored the video didn’t make any of the items that he reviewed. Original Video.

Switching to the iPhone X…

“Switching to an iPhone X” is a front page video (the video at the top of his YouTube channel) and is basically a promo for a future video where he’ll do an in depth review of the iPhone X. He explains all of the phones he has used recently and gives a few details on them. This video is a great intro to his other videos, but since it is an intro video, it doesn’t explain much other than what he plans to make another video on. Original Video.

The iPhone X Unboxing You Deserve

A new iPhone unboxing video is one of the most important videos a tech vlogger can make, as it is likely to be one of his/her most watched. Unbox Therapy’s iPhone X unboxing video sets itself apart by starting with a stylistic mini-clip of Lewis pacing back and forth, angrily spitting about something about the new iPhone, not unlike a 90s rap video or a gang movie. We later find out he is angry that Apple didn’t send him a new iPhone, supposedly because they were afraid he would critique it too harshly. He then goes on to talk about how since he wasn’t given the device by Apple, his review is less biased; however, the video is sponsored by a phone case of which he demonstrates while his techie dances in the back of the video. Overall, the beginning of the video is pretty meta and humorous, but at times, confusing. After all of this, he finally begins his review which, in my opinion, is uneventful. At the end he proclaims that he can’t make a serious verdict on the phone because everyone has a different ‘best device’.  Original Video.