A Look at Tech News: A Reflection



Mashable on Snapchat Discover

Mashable was definitely my favorite out of the three sources I tackled this week. While I hated the iPhone color story, in terms of graphics, accessibility, and general content, Mashable was my choice. While they don’t always stay true to tech news, they’re easy to access from the Snapchat app which I already use everyday. Not to mention, in terms of iPhone X coverage, one of the biggest tech stories of the month, Mashable’s coverage was simply the best.



The Verge

While I think The Verge’s content is accurate and trustworthy, I’m not sure it is something I will regularly check. Like many other newspaper style websites, it just isn’t accessible enough to fit into my daily life, and I am not into their content enough to download an app for it or make an effort to check the website regularly. Perhaps their best hope is their email subscription called “The Command Line”, which I almost signed up for, but I figured it would get lost in my junk email anyway, so why bother? When searching tech related news items, though, if The Verge pops up in the search results, I would probably be more apt to pick it over something else.



Unbox Therapy

Unbox Therapy really only does new device releases in terms of tech ‘news’, and I wasn’t particularly interested in those videos. I really liked the first five minutes of the gadgets video, and even though the last five minutes of it didn’t relate, I think I would watch more of those just because he makes sure that the cut between the actual video content and the sponsored message/extra stuff is clear, in which case I would watch the actual content and skip the rest.