

Lily is the reigning Miss United States. She was crowned in Memphis, Tennessee on October 17th, 2022.

Miss United States includes competition portions in Private Interview, Onstage Question, Personal Platform Promise (onstage pitch for charitable cause), Evening Wear, and Swimsuit. Miss America focuses on the four tenets of Service, Scholarship, Style, and Success and competes with portions of Private Interview, Onstage Question, Talent, Social Impact Pitch, and formerly Evening Wear and Swimsuit/Activewear (for the teen program). Miss USA includes competition portions in Private Interview, Onstage Question, Evening Wear, and Swimsuit. 

Through Miss United States, Miss America, and Miss USA, Lily has fundraised over $30,000 for various nonprofits and volunteered with organizations like Read Across America, Meals on Wheels America, H2O for Life, The National Park Service, and St. Ann’s Center for Children, Youth, and Families, and promoted the communities she represented with each title. Her social impact initiative is “Promoting STEM, STEAM, and Arts Education” through her nonprofit, Art TechnicallyYou can read more about Lily’s volunteer work in her Service portfolio.

Titles and Awards Held:

Miss United States system: Miss United States 2022, Miss New York 2022, Miss Memphis 2021, Miss Tennessee 2021, 2nd runner-up to Miss United States 2021 
Miss America Organization: Miss Franklin County 2022 (TN); Miss Tennessee 2022 Spotfund #1 Fundraiser award; 3rd-place HundredX Fundraiser award; 3rd-place Women in Business interview award; Miss District of Columbia state finalist (no local titles awarded) 2018, 2019, and 2020; Miss DC 2019 STEM Scholarship; Miss DC 2019 Top 5 Children’s Miracle Network Fundraiser; Miss Mid-South’s Outstanding Teen 2015 (TN); Miss Tipton County’s Outstanding Teen 2016 (TN)
Miss USA/Universe system: Miss Shelby County USA 2021 (TN); Miss Embassy Row USA 2020 (DC); Top 12 at Miss District of Columbia USA 2020


Miss United States
Lily and a school librarian hold STEM books
Lily with Barbie dolls
Miss United States crowning
Miss NY in Times Square
Lily and a doctor hold Barbies in the ER
She's Beauty and she grace shirt with Miss US sash and crown
Miss New York onstage


Lily was a D1 Student-Athlete on American University’s Cheerleading Team. The team cheers Men’s and Women’s basketball, traveling with them to tournament games, and competes at NCA College Nationals in Daytona, Florida every April. Their season is August to April with summer workouts May-August. They practice, cheer games, and work athletic department and community events 12-20 hours a week throughout the season. Lily was on the team all three years she attended American University (she’s a three year grad, if you’re counting).

Athletic Department Media Day 2019. Lily’s position is topgirl/flyer with a focus on pyramid bracing.

Athletic Department Media Day 2019

Pyramids at various games. Lily is usually a middle layer, or brace, for pyramids, lifting or supporting the ‘trick flyer.’ 

A CMN balloon logo bow gifted to Lily by her college team’s assistant coach

Prevent Cancer 5K Lily has done the Prevent Cancer 5K at Nationals Park with her team the past three years. Each year, cheerleaders/dancers form their own teams with outside friends and compete to raise money for the 5K. In 2019, Lily’s team won, raising $450 for the Prevent Cancer Foundation in 1 month. Above: Prevent Cancer 5K 2019 Below: Prevent Cancer 5K 2017

First game with Under Armour uniforms

High School Team Pics

Lily’s first game cheering (2010)

Lily (age 6) with Indianapolis Colts cheerleaders at a tailgate. The Colts would win the Superbowl that year!

NCA College Nationals 2018. Lily (far right) would win “Rookie of the Year” for her performance that year.

Celebration of Women’s Basketball Championship Victory

Pride Night at Women’s Basketball Game

American University Athlete Ally Chapter (LGBTQ athletic advocacy group)

Head Coach Jaron Wilson’s favorite saying is “It builds character.” 

First game with Under Armour uniforms (Under Armour became the AU Athletic Department’s uniform sponsor in 2018.)

Full Down at Gameday

Bigs and Littles Week

Gameday Pyramid (Outside Heel Stretches)

Gameday Pyramid (“Peytonesque”)

High School NCA Competition (Top) and Gameday (Bottom)

Middle School Cheer 2012

Athletic Department Media Day 2019. Lily and Sarah Campbell-Zamudio (cheer class of 2020) in a shoulder stand.

Working Freshmen Orientation

NCA College Nationals 2019. This photo is Lily’s first time stunting after a serious fall that caused a back injury that put her on Injured/Reserved for the last quarter of the 2018-19 season.

American University Cheer 2019-20 with Children’s Miracle Network Hospital advocacy bandaids

Setting up volleyball courts for a tournament at the Washington Convention Center with AU Cheer 2017-18

NCA College Nationals 2019

NCA College Nationals 2018 Finals. The team made it to finals without having to compete at Challenge Cup and hit a perfect routine on Day 2, a milestone for the program.

2017-18 Spirit Program Banquet

Gameday Player Intros

Gameday Pyramid. Lily (main basing right group) is usually a flyer, but she can step in as a base when needed. 

8th Grade Cheer Competition

Lily and her fraternal twin sister, Cara, at a cheer competition (2012)

Lily wearing her older sister’s uniform with poms (age 3)



Theatre and Lighting Design


Technical Experience

Rude Mechanicals
Scapin the Schemer: Lighting Design (March 7-10, 2018)
Hamlet: Lighting Design/Tech (Nov. 17-18, 2017)
StageLight Theatre
The End: Lighting Design/Technical Director (May 11, 2017)
Play With Life: Writer/Light Design/Booth Tech (March 31, 2017)
Zombie Prom: Lighting Design (March 2-7, 2017)
Witness For the Prosecution: Lighting Design/Sound Design and Tech (Nov. 10-14, 2016)
‘Night Mother: Director (Sep. 15-18, 2016)
A New Day in the Bank: Director (May 4, 2016)
Weird Romance: Light Tech (April 7-12, 2016)
The Most Massive Woman Wins: Director (March 16, 2016)
Scooby Dooby Clue: Cowriter/Director (Dec. 10, 2015)
All in the Timing: Director (April 14, 2015)
Lucky Stiff: Costumer/Dresser (March 5-10, 2015)
The Curious Savage: Props/Running (Nov. 20-23, 2014)
Inherit the Wind: Hair/Makeup (Nov. 22-26, 2013)
Concept Work


Mark Collins Memorial Technical Theatre Scholarship
International Thespian Ranking
Orpheum High School Musical Theatre Awards 2017; Zombie Prom; Outstanding Lighting Design winner, Creative Achievement Award nominee
StageLight Theatre Outstanding Technical Achievement and Best Production Workshop Director 2017
Thespian Troupe #3968 Public Relations Officer 2017

Scapin the Schemer

Rude Mechanicals
March 7-10, 2018


Rude Mechanicals
Nov. 17-18, 2017


(Claudius’ shadow is inflated as he exits)

Play With Life

The StageLight Theatre
International Baccalaureate Theatre SL: Collaborative Project
May 11, 2017

Just the ‘Real World’ lights.
The differentiation between the ‘Real World’ and the ‘Sim World’ shown with colored lights and hard focus (lens barrel back).
Actor wears Plumbob made from scraps of Roscolux #388 Gaslight Green filter under one of the green lights used in the show.
Left:  Actor wears Plumbob made from scraps of Roscolux #388 Gaslight Green.

Supplemental Materials

Collaboration Reflection (IB Group 4)

Original Script

Zombie Prom

The StageLight Theatre
March 2-7, 2017

Accolades: Orpheum High School Musical Theatre Awards: Outstanding Lighting Design Winner, Outstanding Student Creative Achievement Nominee; StageLight Theatre Best Technical Achievement


Two MegaLite Baby Color LED lights

In the Prologue, as time passes, the lights change as it was “another day”. Each time it’s ‘another day’, the Baby Colors changed colors; amber for fall, pink for Valentine’s Day, etc. The Baby Colors were also used for the red flashing during the Prologue’s nuclear attack drill, and throughout the rest of the show to differentiate moods, settings, and time.

Mood Lighting

During the nuclear attack drill in the prologue, Jonny and Toffee meet and fall in love. I had the red flashing lights fade down with the sirens fading down, and added some dim pink LED lighting, along with keeping all of the front lights dim, and the followspots bright on them, in order to focus in on the moment.

I used the same technique in the Gym scene, where Delilah and Eddie meet again, to show the parallel between their relationship and Jonny and Toffee’s. This was also used for comic effect, as when Josh interrupted them, the lights suddenly came back up full, effectively breaking the moment.

During “Case Closed”, the lights started moving in a sequence towards the end in order to reflect the chaos between the trio. At the end of the song (which

ends Act One), the trio comes together. As Eddie sang his purpose “Top Story”, the front lights went dim, and the followspot hit him. Then Delilah sings hers, “No Zombies” and the lights on her side of the stage (via the LEDs) went red, and the same for Jonny’s “My future” except in green.

When Toffee entered the prom, the lights on everyone else went dim, and she had a pink followspot hit her, to separate her from the rest of the kids. Then, when Jonny came out, a followspot went on him, green, and the two were effectively in ‘their own little world.’


When Jonny commits suicide, he runs through the back door of the set, and jump off the backstage platform. I hung a small can light gelled R89 Moss Green so the audience could see Jonny jump, and when he did, (with the explosion sound effect) I had all of the front lights come up at 100% very quickly and then the atom gobo came up. This was to simulate the nuclear explosion.

Before “Blast from the Past”, when Jonny comes back as a nuclear zombie, Toffee keeps hearing his voice saying, “Toffee, Toffee.” Each time this happened, The scoops and the LEDs lit the stage up green, and the green light behind the door also came on.

Due to makeup supply and sweating issues, Jonny had trouble staying green enough. Because of this, I had the spot ops keep their followspots gelled green when they were on Jonny. “Come Join Us” takes place in a TV studio. To simulate the cameras coming on and off areas, I had the lights come up full in those areas when the cameras switched to them, then go back to half when the cameras were off those areas.


Witness For the Prosecution

The StageLight Theatre
November 10-14, 2016

Accolades: StageLight Theatre Best Technical Achievement

‘Night Mother

The StageLight Theatre
September 15-18, 2016

Accolades: StageLight Theatre Production Workshop Best Director 2017

Concept Work

More Portfolio Work

The Elephant Man

Concept Work for Tennessee Thespian Conference Senior Scholarship Auditions 2017
Accolades: Mark Collins Memorial Technical Theatre Scholarship 2017

The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence

Concept Work for International Baccalaureate Theatre class (Director’s Notebook)